We are Lumos
Every child deserves a family, but for an estimated 5.4 million children, this is not the case. Placed in harmful institutions, they are denied the care of a loving family. There is a better way.
We are Lumos
Every child deserves a family, but for an estimated 5.4 million children, this is not the case. Placed in harmful institutions, they are denied the care of a loving family. There is a better way.
What we do
We shed light on the root causes of family separation – poverty, conflict and discrimination. We press and support governments to reform care systems and show how children can be safely united with families.
The problem
Today, there are an estimated 5.4 million children in institutions around the world, and research proves that these institutions can have a devastating and lasting impact their growth and development.
Our impact
Lumos exists to light a path to a brighter future for these children. We fight to tackle the causes of family separation and transform systems of care that take children away from their families and communities.
Every changed life has a story to tell
Read our latest news and stories to discover how your support of Lumos helps vulnerable children and families across the world.
Shining a light on our mission
Our celebrity ambassadors raise awareness for the estimated 5.4 million children growing up in orphanages and institutions around the world. #WeAreLumos
Bonnie Wright
“I’d heard so much about the work that Lumos was doing and what exactly these institutions were like, but this experience highlighted how incredibly important Lumos’ work is in Haiti.”
Follow Bonnie on Twitter: @thisisbwright or Instagram: @thisisbwright
Evanna Lynch
“Without families and without love, children can’t be children. The most important thing as a child is to be with your family. And you have to do everything you can to keep that family unit in place.”
Follow Evanna on Instagram: @evannalynch
Jason Isaacs
“I’ve just met these amazing young people who are living proof of the benefits of getting people out [of institutions] and into loving homes. An institution is not a place to raise a child.”
Follow Jason on Twitter: @jasonsfolly or Instagram: @therealjasonisaacs
Sophie Ellis-Bextor
“I am so happy and excited to be working with Lumos. I love the scale and the ambition of their objective – aiming to abolish children’s orphanages and institutions worldwide.”
Follow Sophie on Twitter: @SophieEB or Instagram: @sophieellisbextor
Warwick Davis
“Lumos’ work here in Moldova is making a huge difference to the lives of some very vulnerable children and their families. But there are still too many children in orphanages around the world, and we need to change that.”
Follow Warwick on Twitter: @WarwickADavis
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