The solution


An institution cannot give a child the love and nurturing care of a family. There is a better way.

Family settings can provide the consistent, loving relationships that nourish healthy development. Not only are institutions incapable of providing this, but they can also cause harm at a crucial stage of life. When a child experiences the severe and ongoing toxic stress that is so common in institutions, it can derail their development and can lead to lifelong social, physical and mental health problems.

Overwhelming evidence shows us a better way forward, and it is our mission to work with partners, children, and families to change the story.


Our approach

Prevention & reintegration

We are ensuring families have the support they need to care for their children as this plays a pivotal role in preventing unnecessary separation of children from their families and supports the reintegration of children following family separation.

We partner with governments to achieve impact at scale in strengthening national child protection and child welfare systems, especially when seeking multi-sectoral, systems-level change.

We do advocacy & awareness-raising with stakeholders at all levels and across sectors to shed light on challenges faced by marginalised groups, to increase international and national commitment towards care reform, and to ensure the necessary policies, processes and programmes are in place and adequate funding is allocated.

We advocate for and enable high quality, meaningful participation of children, young people and families in the decision-making that affects them, and in the care reform process more widely including in the development of policies, practice and programming.


Be a part of the story

Our life-changing programmes cannot be done without the generous support of donors. You too can make a donation today, with 100% of your gift going toward our projects.

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Be a part of the story

Our life-changing programmes cannot be done without the generous support of donors. You too can make a donation today, with 100% of your gift going toward our projects.

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