Sir Roger Singleton appointed Interim Lumos CEO



Lumos is delighted to announce the appointment of Sir Roger Singleton as Interim CEO from 16 September 2019.

Sir Roger was a trustee of Lumos from 2005 to 2013, Managing Director of Lumos from 2014 to 17 and is a hugely respected expert in deinstitutionalisation, having spent 21 years as CEO of Barnardos. He joins Lumos from the Church of England, where he was Interim Director of Safeguarding.

Patricia Chale’s role as Interim Managing Director at Lumos will therefore come to an end in late September. I’m pleased to confirm that Patricia will continue to support Lumos by participating in the ongoing Culture Review and authoring a paper of recommendations based on her time with us.

The Board of Trustees is very grateful to Patricia for stepping in to support the organisation during a critical period of transition and for all of her work to date running the organisation alongside the Executive Leadership Team.

The recruitment process for a permanent CEO is underway and we hope to have an appointment in place by early 2020. Sir Roger will lead Lumos until the new CEO starts to ensure a smooth handover.

Neil Blair

Lumos Chairman


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