Where we work

Lumos works around the world to help the millions of children in orphanages and other institutions regain their right to a family.

Click the country names to explore our work further.


A Global Organisation

While the reasons children end up in orphanages may differ, certain aspects remain the same. Extreme poverty is the main reason that most children end up in orphanages.

Our flexible model works by adapting to the cultural drivers of institutionalisation in every country that we work in. We use demonstration projects to enable the change needed to replace orphanages with community-based services. Governments in other areas can then replicate these so we may one day reach our goal of ending the institutionalisation of children worldwide.

Learning Curves: A Global Thematic Review

This new resource pack, paired with four international case studies, examines the relationship between education and institutional care.

View the report


A Global Organisation

While the reasons children end up in orphanages may differ, certain aspects remain the same. Extreme poverty is the main reason that most children end up in orphanages.

Our flexible model works by adapting to the cultural drivers of institutionalisation in every country that we work in. We use demonstration projects to enable the change needed to replace orphanages with community-based services. Governments in other areas can then replicate these so we may one day reach our goal of ending the institutionalisation of children worldwide.

Learning Curves: A Global Thematic Review

This new resource pack, paired with four international case studies, examines the relationship between education and institutional care.


View the report