Turning Words Into Action



This document is for parents, professionals, policy-makers and to all those who wish to improve the process of making and implementing policy for children and young people with intellectual disabilities.

It is the authors’ intention to provide an aid to the process of improving services and systems of support for children with intellectual disabilities and their families. This document is a product of the Turning Words into Action project and is complemented by two other key publications:

  • Our Words. Our Actions. This publication was written by the children and young people themselves. It presents their views on the BHBL Declaration and on the TWIA project itself.
  • Listening Together. The document presents examples of child participation in action. It presents activities used by the three children and youth participation (CYP) co-ordinators that were successful in assisting the groups of children and young people to develop skills and to express themselves.
Turning Words Into Action  (PDF 2MB)