Mother’s Day: A foster mother motivated by love



Blanca has been a foster mother in the Lumos-supported Michin foster care program since March 2023. In her home there are no limits to care and love. It is a warm and welcoming place for the children she cares for, together with her husband, Carlos, and two adult daughters. “We have two beautiful daughters; they are our support network together with my husband”.

Blanca (pictured) has opened her heart, and her home, to two children as a foster mother.

She is active and dedicated, not only to her family, but also to the community. Together with her family she has the strength to offer love and care to those who come to be part of her family.

As a family they have temporarily taken care of two children under 5 years old, who have settled in very well, and have progressed in their development. There is also a strong bond between the children, where they care for and understand each other, and can take comfort in their shared experience.

Blanca’s adult daughter (pictured) has welcomed the new members of the family with open arms.

The youngest daughter is very supportive in the care of the children, at the same time as she is doing an internship “to see them come and see them grow up is very nice, it shows you another part of you that you don’t even imagine is there“.

With a donation today, you can help us support more foster families so they can care for children in need.

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