Home What we do News & Stories Ensuring the right to a family for every child
Ensuring the right to a family for every child
In May 2016, young spokespeople from both Lumos and Partnerships for Every Child child-participation groups devised and delivered an address to an international conference, celebrating 10 years of child care reform in Moldova. Below are their words:
We, representatives of children of many districts from Republic of Moldova, on behalf of all children of the country, would like to address a message to the participants in the conference, high ranking state officials, central and local public authorities, parents, teachers, social workers and all adults around us, to whom we express our opinions and intentions to get involved in the development of the child protection system.
We, children from Moldova, as all children around the world, have the right to grow up in families where we get protection, education, attention and all the support we need. Nevertheless, in our country, there are many children to whom this right is not respected, who are separated from their families and often placed in residential institutions.
We know that our country is facing many problems which affect children’s life. For a child to develop harmoniously they need a strong family to support them, education that is based on their needs and potential, quality services and opportunities for participation.
At the same time, we know that great efforts have been made for many residential institutions to be closed and children to return to their families and communities; schools became inclusive and open to all children; family type services were created such as Foster Care, Family-type Homes, Small Group Homes, and other services that provide support to children and their families.
Nevertheless, there still remains many things to do for children.
The child of today is the politician, doctor, teacher, parent of tomorrow, and the example offered to him could be repeated. The child learns from what he sees. He wants to receive love and support that only a family can offer. In order to have a future we deserve, we have to start to change the things from today! For this, we should not just say that there are problems, but make concrete steps which offer every child a chance to grow up in a family environment.
We, the children, promise to continue to get involved and promote the rights of all children!
Good and sustainable things we cannot do only by ourselves, but by supporting each other. So, we need your support on this and we are sure that you will give it to us!
Let’s go together to have strong families and happy children living at home!