Philanthropy, Trusts and Foundations

Our work is only possible with the generous support of philanthropists, trusts and foundations, whose strategic investments can change the way vulnerable children are cared for around the world. Together, we can see a world where every child gets the chance to grow up in a loving, supportive family.

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Make your philanthropy have the maximum impact

Gifts and grants enable us to deliver strategic, high-impact programmes that benefit children now and in the long term:

£5,000 could provide 20 families at risk of separation in Colombia with training, advice and support to help keep them together.

£20,000 could help us train 125 local government officials in Ukraine, so they can plan and implement care reform and develop 20 local inclusive education strategies to help all children attend mainstream schools.

Why Lumos?

Since our beginnings in 2005, we’ve helped grow worldwide understanding of the harms of institutional care. We’ve used our knowledge and expertise to show it’s possible to change the way we care for children. In diverse countries and contexts, we’ve shown that, with better support for families, children can be brought back home. But we need help and funding from passionate and committed supporters to continue the fight for every child’s right to a family.

We cannot afford to lose another generation of children to institutionalisation. now is the time to act.


How we can support you

Whether you want to support our work around the world with an unrestricted gift, or fund a specific project, a dedicated member of our team will support you on your journey. We’ll work with you to understand more about your strategic priorities and vision and ensure your gift has the biggest possible impact.

You will receive regular updates on the progress of our work, invitations to special events with our experts and ambassadors, and the opportunity to see our work yourself.

If you are interested in working with us to help transform care systems around the world, please get in touch with our Deputy Director of Fundraising today at [email protected]


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