How to give your fundraising donations


Thank you very much for deciding to fundraise for Lumos and Lumos Foundation USA. Below are the different ways that you can pay in your donations.


Paying in your donation to Lumos

The quickest way to make a donation to Lumos is through our website, however you can also donate through bank transfer or cheque – see instructions for these methods below.

Donate to Lumos online


By Cheque

Please send cheques payable to ‘Lumos Foundation’ to:

Fundraising Department 

Lumos Foundation

Peninsular House

30-36 Monument Street



Tel: 020 7253 6464

By Bank Transfer

Make a donation to Lumos’ local bank branch:

Address: HSBCBankplc,ThePeak, 333 Vauxhall Bridge Road, SW1V1EJ

Sortcode: 400713

Account number: 81875353

IBAN: GB16MIDL40071381875353


Please use your name as a reference so we can thank you and allocate your donation accordingly.

Please note: your bank may charge you for transfers, please check with them.


Paying in your donation to Lumos Foundation USA

Thank you very much for deciding to fundraise for Lumos Foundation USA. There are many ways you can pay your money in.

The quickest way to make a donation to Lumos Foundation USA is through our website, however you can also donate through bank transfer or cheque – see instructions for these methods below.

Make a donation to Lumos Foundation USA

By Cheque

You can also send cheques payable to the Lumos Foundation USA, Inc:

C/o Mr W DiMichele

557 Broadway

New York

NY 10012


By Bank Transfer

Make a donation to:

AccountName: Lumos Foundation USA,Inc.

Bank name & address: J.P.Morgan Chase & Co.

270 Park Ave




Routingnumber: 021000021


Please use your name as a reference so we can thank you and allocate your donation accordingly!

Please note: your bank may charge you for transfers, please check with them.