Home What we do News & Stories Lumos welcomes UK government’s commitment not to fund orphanages and institutions
Lumos welcomes UK government’s commitment not to fund orphanages and institutions

Lumos welcomes the Department for International Development (DfID) latest funding guidance, which explicitly states that UK Aid Direct will not fund orphanages and institutions.
Published on 20 February, it is the first time the government has explicitly said that it will not fund orphanages and institutions.
The latest guidance states:
“Applications for the funding of orphanages or other residential children’s institutions are not accepted under UK Aid Direct. Children’s prospects are generally best served by family-based care – be it with their own families, extended families or qualified foster families. Consideration may be given to projects that support the reintegration into families/family-based care of children from institutions.”
Commenting on the updated guidance, Anna Darling, Lumos’ Advocacy Officer, said: “This is excellent progress towards ending the institutionalisation of millions of children across the world.
“Lumos will continue to work with partners and Government to highlight the need for further guidance and policies that support children to grow up in families rather than in harmful orphanages and institutions”.
The new guidance follows a commitment from Penny Mordaunt, Secretary of State for International Development, last year to support family-based care.
Speaking at the Global Disability Summit in July Mrs Mordaunt, said: “Orphanages are harmful to children and it is often those with disabilities who are placed in them the most.
This needs to end, which is why I’m committed to the long-term plan to ensure all children grow up with a family of their own.