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Annual ReportOur Strategy 2024-2027Tuesday January 14, 2025Delivering our 2024-2027 strategy to achieve this mission will require a greater emphasis on multisectoral strategic partnerships, on the measurement and communication of impact, greater country and regional focus and greater focus on ensuring the meaningful involvement of those with lived experience.
PublicationRecomendaciones para la desinstitucionalización (Recommendations for deinstitutionalization)Friday November 29, 2024Lumos makes recommendations to the Colombian government to advance the transformation and deinstitutionalization of the protection system in the country, based on the evidence from the strategic review.
PublicationInforme de Resultados (Results Report)Friday November 29, 2024The strategic review of the protection system and alternative care modalities carried out by Lumos in Colombia identifies the situation of children in residential care and the areas for improvement to promote change and transformation of the system.
Annual ReportImpact Report 2023Tuesday November 26, 2024See how your contributions are making a difference at Lumos.
Annual ReportAnnual Report 2023Wednesday October 2, 2024See how your contributions made a difference at Lumos in 2023.
PublicationLearning Curves: A Global Review of Education and Institutional CareTuesday May 21, 2024This Global Thematic Review on Education examines the under-researched relationship between education and institutional care.
PublicationIndonesia Case Study: Global Thematic Review On EducationFriday March 8, 2024A Perkins partner programme based in Java provides an example of how a multisectoral approach, involving both the education and social care sectors, can enable inclusive education and care reform as mutually reinforcing processes.
Annual ReportImpact Report 2022Friday December 15, 2023See how your contributions made a difference at Lumos in 2022.
PublicationColombia Case Study: Global Thematic Review On EducationFriday October 6, 2023Read more about the residential education settings in this geographically challenging environment with remote rural communities.
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