The coming five years present a unique opportunity for the European Commission to renew its commitment and global leadership to ensure that children grow up ...
Download a short summary of recommendations made by Lumos, Hope and Homes for Children and Save the Children calling on the Commissioner for International Partnerships ...
Lumos’ response to the European Commission’s Evaluation of the support to promoting social inclusion, combatting poverty and any discrimination by the European Social Fund
The European Union (EU) has recognised that the transition from institutions towards family and community-based care needs to be prioritised for children globally. However, the ...
A report on Lumos’ recommendations to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
A number of international and EU policy and legal instruments declare that institutional settings are a breach of human rights. The United Nations Convention on ...
Lumos’ response to the European Commission Proposal for a Regulation on the European Social Fund+ 2021-2027
Lumos' recommendations for EU-led volunteering schemes.
This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the future of the European Union, with a special focus on the future of EU finances and ...