Children caught in conflict need the constant support of a family. Not a life spent in processing centres and institutions. In 2018-2020, we worked with ...
Millions of children across the world are living in institutions, separated from their families in the name of care and protection. They are growing up ...
Growing up in institutional care violates children’s rights. Over 80 years of international research has demonstrated that it can severely harm children’s physical and cognitive ...
Three major new papers published in the Lancet with Lumos’ support have shed new light on the situation of children living in institutions globally and, ...
Cracks in the System is a new report from Lumos that is the first of its kind to systematically explore the links between institutional care ...
Rethinking care: Improving support for unaccompanied migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children in the European Union, is the result of collaboration between Lumos Foundation and a ...
An evaluation of the Inclusive Education model for children with profound disabilities and complex needs. The Inclusive Education Unit has been created and developed by ...
A Goal Within Reach: Ending the Institutionalization of Children to Ensure that No One is Left Behind - defines this global problem and proposes global ...
Lumos’ contribution to the Mid-Term Review of the Council of Europe’s Strategy for the Rights of the Child: Recommendations for the 2022-2027 Strategy.
This report outlines Lumos' recommendations to the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU: Protect, support and empower children and their families globally.