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FactsheetOut Of The ShadowsMonday June 12, 2017This infographic has been prepared to highlight the growing global problem of institutionalisation and details how Lumos is working to end this injustice against children over the next 10 years.
Policy PaperLumos’ Position On The European Solidarity Corps Programme 2021–2027Sunday April 30, 2017This response outlines Lumos's position on the European Solidarity Corps programme 2021–2027.
PublicationTrusts And Foundations For Families: Investing In Transforming CareThursday March 23, 2017In this report, Lumos explores the role that private trusts and foundations can play to further support care reform around the world.
PublicationTransforming Care Systems Through EU External ActionFriday March 17, 2017This report sets out the evidence about the harm that institutions can cause and presents the case for prioritising family and community-based alternatives to institutional care.
Easy to ReadOur Words. Our Actions.Thursday March 16, 2017Our Words. Our Actions. is a children’s publication in easy read format sharing the children’s view of the Better Health Better Lives Declaration, their experience of the project and their messages to policy-makers.
TrainingListening TogetherWednesday March 1, 2017Listening Together shares some of the methods and challenges involved in ensuring the meaningful participation of children and young adults with intellectual disabilities.
PublicationTurning Words Into ActionWednesday March 1, 2017An aid to the process of improving services and systems of support for children with intellectual disabilities and their families.
FactsheetChildren In Institutions: The Global PictureWednesday March 1, 2017In this document the problem of the ‘orphan myth’ is explored, where people assume these institutions, or ‘orphanages’, are there to support orphans, but a large percentage have a living parent.
FactsheetLumos Factsheet: The RisksWednesday March 1, 2017Factsheet that details the risks empirically associated with children who are institutionalised.