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PublicationEU Case Study: Global Thematic Review On EducationFriday October 6, 2023Read how a supranational regional entity can positively influence change on care reform.
PublicationMoldova Case Study: Global Thematic Review On EducationFriday October 6, 2023Moldova has made remarkable progress in both implementing wide reaching care reform and developing inclusive education systems.
PublicationLearning Curves Report: Full Resource PackFriday October 6, 2023Here we examine the well-acknowledged but under-researched relationship between education and institutional care.
TrainingPrograma De Acogimiento Familiar Lineamiento Technico Y OperativoWednesday June 15, 2022Este programa fue construido bajo la asistencia técnica de Lumos con el apoyo de Unicef Panamá.
TrainingListening To Young Care Leavers: Do’s And Don’ts ToolkitTuesday June 7, 2022Do’s and Don’ts’ summarises key advice on how to support those who have left care, things to be aware of, and areas you should stay away from to make a real positive impact on children.
TrainingMyths Vs Reality ToolkitTuesday June 7, 2022 ‘Myths vs Reality’ highlights some of the key misconceptions associated with voluntourism.
Policy PaperCall For A Moratorium On Intercountry Adoption In Response To The Conflict In UkraineMonday May 30, 2022This joint statement urges receiving States, international bodies, and humanitarian agencies to adopt a harmonised approach and call for a moratorium on intercountry adoptions from Ukraine.
TrainingPutting Children And Youth Participation At The Heart Of Care ReformMonday May 23, 2022This manual provides a comprehensive overview of how to meaningfully engage children and young people in care reform.
Annual ReportImpact Report 2021Friday May 13, 2022Your support means that despite many challenges, in 2021 we could deliver real change across the globe.
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