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Policy PaperLumos’ Response To The European Commission Proposal For A Regulation On The European Social FundThursday April 30, 2020An estimated eight million children worldwide live in residential institutions and so-called orphanages that deny their human rights and do not meet their needs.
Policy PaperLumos’ Response To The European Commission’s Peer Review Of The Partnership PrincipleThursday April 30, 2020This submission highlights positive and challenging examples of the Principle in action, reported to Lumos by civil society organisations based in the EU Member States.
Policy PaperCovid-19 Crisis: People Living In Institutions Must Not Be Written OffThursday April 30, 2020The EEG calls on EU leaders to ensure its response to COVID-19 takes into consideration persons living in institutions in Europe as they face increased risks of abuse, neglect, health issues and mental distress.
PublicationRethinking Care: Improving Support For Unaccompanied Migrant, Asylum-seeking And Refugee ChildrenThursday April 9, 2020eaturing a variety of global thought leaders, the publication comprises twelve thought-provoking articles which tackle the major issues fuelling institutionalisation and how to achieve transformative change for affected children.
Policy PaperRecommendations To The EU Action Plan On Human Rights And Democracy 2020-24Monday March 30, 2020This paper sets out Lumos’ Recommendations to the EU Action Plan on Human Rights 2020-2024.
TrainingRecovering From Trauma As A Family: A Guide For Parents And CaregiversTuesday March 24, 2020IFT and Lumos have developed a new guide (available in English and Spanish) detailing simple strategies parents and caregivers can use to promote resilience in the family and help their children recover.
Policy PaperRecommendations To The Commissioner For EqualityTuesday March 17, 2020The portfolio of Equality is crucial to put child protection and family care at the heart of the EU’s internal and external action. These are our recommendations.
Policy PaperRecommendations To The Commissioner For International PartnershipsTuesday March 17, 2020This is a short summary of recommendations calling on the Commissioner for International Partnerships to support children around the world to live in families.
Policy PaperLumos’ Recommendations To The EU Framework For National Roma Integration Strategies Post-2020Tuesday March 17, 2020Lumos recommends that the next Framework addresses Roma children’s right to live with their families or, when this is not possible, in family- or community-based care.
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