Lumos in Panama

We began our work in Panama in 2020 via a remote partnership with UNICEF and SENNIA. At that time approximately 1,571 children and adolescents were living in 54 institutions across Panama. These children deserve families.

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Together with our partners, we provided remote technical support to the Government of Panama so national and systemic care reform can be implemented.

We have worked to do this in two phases.

Phase I

Provide remote support and technical advice to national and local authorities and experts who will drive forward care reform in Panama.


The results

We were able to:

  • Train 110 government representatives and civil society partners on the care reform process.
  • Jointly develop the 2020-2022 Action Plan for the Deinstitutionalisation of Children.
  • Successfully raise awareness on the subject and contribute to building the capacity of local authorities in the protection system.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities to further support the care transformation process.
  • Develop expert recommendations to advance the transformation of the care system.

Phase II

Provide the support needed to develop a technical document on foster care for stakeholders. Additionally, by raising awareness, providing technical assistance and delivering training to stakeholders, change-makers can implement a foster care programme that can benefit all vunlernable children in Panama.


The goals

  • Support the creation of the tools and training needed to prepare, establish, roll-out, and review a national and locally managed foster care programme in Panama.

Together with our partners, we provided remote technical support to the Government of Panama so national and systemic care reform can be implemented.

We have worked to do this in two phases.

Phase I

Provide remote support and technical advice to national and local authorities and experts who will drive forward care reform in Panama.


The results

We were able to:

  • Train 110 government representatives and civil society partners on the care reform process.
  • Jointly develop the 2020-2022 Action Plan for the Deinstitutionalisation of Children.
  • Successfully raise awareness on the subject and contribute to building the capacity of local authorities in the protection system.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities to further support the care transformation process.
  • Develop expert recommendations to advance the transformation of the care system.

Phase II

Provide the support needed to develop a technical document on foster care for stakeholders. Additionally, by raising awareness, providing technical assistance and delivering training to stakeholders, change-makers can implement a foster care programme that can benefit all vunlernable children in Panama.


The goals

  • Support the creation of the tools and training needed to prepare, establish, roll-out, and review a national and locally managed foster care programme in Panama.

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